Schools/Provider Blended Individual Training Pack

31287: Prep and provide kai service, as part of a team and under supervision, for manuhiri

NAV Code: ITP31287BSPSE1

People credited with this unit standard are able to, as part of a team, and in accordance with kawa and tikanga: prepare wharekai for service, serve kai, clear tables, and clear wharekai after service.

This blended online pack includes:

  • Online Student Learning Material
    Your student accesses this via ServiceIQ's eLearning platform. Note that online learning material will expire 12 months from when you allocated it to the student.

  • Printed Student Assessment
    This assessment is a printed document that will be couriered out to you.

Unit Standard(s) details:
Delivery Type Delivery Type Material Type Level
Blended Blended Combined 2

Items included in this pack:

Product Type Product Title
Assessments 31287: Prepare and provide kai service, as part of a team and under supervision, for manuhiri
Online Learning Material 31287: Prepare and provide kai service, as part of a team and under supervision, for manuhiri
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